Microdermal piercing is a type of semi-permanent body piercings. The following ThoughtfulTattoos article talks about its procedure, cost, aftercare, and removal.
Microdermal piercing is also known as dermal anchoring or microdermal implants. It is done in a short interval of time in comparison to others, and is convenient and simple to manage. To add to this, it looks aesthetically pleasing. Because of all these reasons, it is rapidly becoming a rage.
The procedure begins with the selection of the jewelry that you want to adhere to your skin. You will find many gems and beads in the market to choose from. They are screwed on to an anchor. Thus, you can replace them with another one whenever you wish to. Most of the jewelry resembles an anchor with holes in it. Your skin adheres through these holes, such that the microdermal is fixed firmly. There is some jewelry which does not have holes.
Your skin i.e., the part where you want to have microdermal piercing, will be sterilized with a surgical scrub. The exact location of the piercing will be marked with a surgical ink and a toothpick. The marked skin will be removed with the help of a dermal punch. A dermal punch is a kind of surgical instrument. It is different from surgical needles, as it does not separate the skin but removes the tissues. Now, the professional will use forceps to insert the anchor into your skin. He will most likely hold the anchor in vertical position, so that it slides through the skin. He will push the anchor further downward in a curved direction. The anchor should be parallel to the surface otherwise it will look tilted or crooked.
Human body has the natural ability to heal a wound.Therefore, leaving the piercing wound undisturbed will actually allow it to heal properly. Still, taking care of the pierced site will assist in recuperation. Microdermal piercing causes bleeding. As soon as the bleeding stops, you should cover the pierced area with a bandage. This will protect it from germs and water, and thus, will maintain hygiene.
The bandage will also hold the pierced anchor in its place. Do not change the bandage or try to clean the skin under it. Leave it without any kind of interference till you find its edges curling up. When the bandage gets removed, you need to maintain hygiene in the pierced skin. Clean it with a lukewarm salt solution. Make sure that you do not over clean the skin. Do it only once a day. It will heal in 1-3 months. The rejection rate of such a piercing is estimated to be 2%.
You may want to remove the piercing when you feel bored with it, or when the anchor has itself started to reject. Whatever be the reason, removal is always a little difficult. In case the jewelry is anchored into the skin firmly, you need to go to a professional. If it is not and you feel you may be able to take it out, follow these steps. Clean the skin with a surgical scrub. Break the skin around the anchor by twisting the gem or bead. When the skin is broken, pull the jewelry out. Alternatively, use a scalpel to make a small cut to see the underlying jewelry and remove it. Needless to say, the entire procedure is painful and hurts a lot.
The cost of microdemal piercing differs from place to place. It may cost you approximately $75. It can be done on any part of the body. The procedure is a little complicated, and therefore, you should only get it done by a professional. Follow all the above instructions for its aftercare to have a comfortable and safe healing.