Tattoos are beautiful. From many cultures, worn in many ways, one of the most powerful ways to express yourself is through a tattoo. Getting a tattoo
5 Gothic Tattoos That Occult Lovers Will Die For
There are so many different kinds of tattoos out there that at times it can be hard trying to pick just one. From flowers to animals, to quotes, or
A Handy Checklist on How to Choose a Body Piercing Parlor
Getting a body piercing is no small matter; it requires forethought and extensive research on which piercing parlor is the safest. If you're
Body Piercing: A Tradition Back Then, Now a Fad!
As good old Solomon says, "What has been in old times comes around again". It is the same with body piercing...
Microdermal Piercing Removal
Undergoing a procedure for microdermal piercing removal has its fair share of testimonies among those who've done it. Learn about how this is done and
Spider Bites Piercing
Thinking of getting a spider bites piercing, but don't really know much about it? Read the following article to know about this unique piercing.
Chest Piercing
Chest piercings has gained immense popularity in the past decade. You see many men and women sporting these using simple, yet beautiful jewelry. This
A Totally Astounding List of Body Piercings
Are you looking for information on the various piercings carried out in different parts of the body? The following article will give you a
Microdermal Piercing
Microdermal piercing is a type of semi-permanent body piercings. The following ThoughtfulTattoos article talks about its procedure, cost, aftercare,