Piercing the forward helix of one's ear is the current fashion trend. The number of jewelry worn by a person on the pierced helix can vary. However,
How to Stretch Your Ears
If you want to wear bigger earrings and you have standard size piercing, you will have to stretch your ears. If you know how to, you can stretch your
History of Ear Gauging
History of ear gauging is believed to be as old as the human civilization. It has always represented the status of a male belonging to a particular
How to Pierce Your Own Ear
For one of the most 'pierced'... I mean, prized possessions you have, learn correctly how to pierce your own ear. It's not as easy as it sounds.
Ear Gauge Size Chart
Ear gauge size chart can be used as a reference source when one wants to stretch his or her ear piercing. Know more about this practice that has been
Information About Diamond Ear Gauges
Bored of your plain old ear gauges and want something more eye-catching? You could replace regular ear gauges with a pair of diamond gauges. They look
Getting Ears Pierced for the First Time
Getting your ears pierced is an amazing idea, as you have an array of styles to play around with. But, if you are skeptical about it, give this
Tragus Piercing Cost
It is hard to pinpoint a specific amount because the tragus piercing cost depends upon a number of factors. The following article may give you some
Tragus Piercing
In today's world of individuality, people are coming up with newer things to be able to stand out in the crown. One such thing is a tragus piercing,