Looking for ideas on where to place your first or next tattoo? These suggestions on tattoo spots for men will help you find a place to put it, that suits you to a tee…
All of us know people who have tattoos, maybe one, two or more – there isn’t anyone left on the planet that doesn’t know it. Those that don’t have tattoos are either still waiting for the perfect time to get one, too old to be adventurous, have an orthodox family that would disown them if they walked into the house with a tattoo or are too afraid of the whole idea of needles puncturing their skin. There are certain things one must follow when getting a tattoo, since most times people do it out of haste or when too stoned or drunk to know what’s happening. So when you do go ahead and get a tattoo, be it your first, second or 10th time, it is essential to know what a tattoo must look like after it is done. If you witness smudging after it heals, it means that the ink didn’t go deep enough, or that the ink quality wasn’t at par with what a professional would ordinarily use.
A tattoo must look either flattened against your skin with bold colors popping through prominently or embossed around the areas where the needle deeply penetrated through. Always visit a trusted tattoo artist to get any work done on yourself, since you’ll have it on you for a long, long time to come. Choosing the art piece is one thing, what kind of work you go with is another issue and most importantly, where you’re putting it is a major cause for concern. Places to avoid when getting a tattoo are the face, buttocks, back of the thighs, inner thighs, genitals, palms, back of the feet, armpit area, eyeballs and oral cavity. It can not only ruin your tattoo over time being badly placed in areas that will tend to perspire/be subjected to bodily fluids but can get rubbed down on by clothing or friction, posing as a poor choice to live with for good.
Best Tattoo Places for Men
For those of you who work in companies that do not allow tattoo art exposure, or universities that are against the idea of students walking about with their tattoos exposed, then choose wisely from the options. You want a place that is hidden but can still be revealed when you’d like to show off that piece of artwork. Let’s find out here on which areas of the body would work in these ideas on tattoo spots for men. For ideas on what kind of work to get done on your tattoo, go to tattoo ideas for men.
♂ Calves
The only disadvantage here is that you’d have to keep the area hairless for people to see it better There’s no point getting a tattoo in a hairy spot if it’s going to be concealed all the time with an overgrowth. Think about if a spot would work for you if you qualify as the extremely hairy sorts. This area is the perfect place to get a tattoo, because it is a concealable area and can be exposed if you were to sport a pair of Bermudas or shorts. Being a more flattened area to work with, anything you decide to put on your calf would stand out without a doubt.
♂ Forearm
Minimal hair growth is noticed in this region, and is a dead-on choice if you want something both visible and easy to hide while wearing long sleeved shirts/t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies and coats. It is a sensitive area for men to get tattooed on, but is worth the pain nonetheless. This is a spot that you can make good use of, so go with something memorable and epic when tattooing this space.
♂ Between the Shoulder Blades
This is a nice spot to get a tattoo for those who aren’t big on revealing them, or who are mostly clad in wife beaters to show off their extensive upper back tattoos. If you’re a beach bum or if you tend to play a lot of sports like basketball or football where you’re often caught shirtless, then this would seem like your kind of tattoo area to go with.
♂ Side of the Torso
A guy that has an average to muscular frame wears a tattoo better when it runs along the side of his body. Tattooists can work well with a flattened surface which does great for artwork both big and small. Yes it can be quite painful to get a tattoo here with that bony ribcage right under a sensitive layer of skin – like I said before, in the end it is worth the pain.
♂ Left and Right Alignment on Chest
Getting a tattoo in the dead center of your chest is no spot you want a tattoo to be placed. You want it to be a little towards the left or right, so that it is strategically placed away from the most hairiest part of your chest. It is also a better spot to place it being a more pleasing work of art to see towards the sides of one’s chest and not at the epicenter.
The suggestions on tattoo spots mentioned here can be experimented with by those who don’t have tattoos at all, or those who have tattoos already present in some of the said areas. I wouldn’t suggest a man to get a tattoo on his lower back or anywhere around his ankles, since that can be slightly ‘unmanly’ so to speak. Stick to areas that work best for you, to make the most of your art piece and to do justice to the work done on it.