Do you find thrill in body piercing? If yes, then this can be a new profession for you, with decent opportunities to make some money. Keep reading to know more…
This is an interesting piece of information for all those who always wanted to become a professional body piercer, but were unable to do so, as there was not much awareness about body piercing, being a professionally acclaimed work. The truth is that body piercing has come a long way, from being a pious and necessary ritual in many civilizations, to being a social taboo in various other cultures. But now it has become a fashion style for youngsters, teenagers and adults alike. It is an established art and owing to its popularity, numerous regulatory bodies have been established to monitor the professional standards in this art.
How to Become a Professional Body Piercer
There are many reasons why one may wish to get a body piercing done. Many people find it appealing and sporty, while some go for it due to some astrological significance. Whatever be the reason, body piercing provides career opportunities to people who’re skilled in this art to make a decent income. Follow the tips mentioned further to know more about the answer to this question.
- Decide if you really want to become a body piercer. You must be comfortable in dealing with people and handling piercing tools. Also, deftness of hands and eye coordination must be very good.
- Contact local health organizations and learn more about infections of the skin and blood that can occur due to body fluids that you may come in contact with while working with clients. Infections can also occur due to infected body piercing tools. It is essential to be aware of the risk of infections so that one is able to guide clients, effectively.
- The art of body piercing is intricate and so one must get proper training. Check out in your locality or nearby areas about training centers. Request professionals in the training center to let you train as an apprentice. If you have done certificate courses from OSHA or the red cross, on blood-born pathogens, then they will let you acquire training full-time. It is generally not easy to get a piercer to train you, hence good contacts can help you in getting a skilled piercer.
- Inquire in local health organizations about any licenses necessary for practicing body piercing professionally. Get at least 3 months training as a full-time trainee.
- Focus completely on learning all about sterilization, contamination and other health and safety concerns, so that you’re able to learn the minute intricacies.
- If you’re unable to get a skilled piercer to train you, join a piercing school for $2000 to $5000, that will help you learn this art on specially designed silicon bodies. There are online courses that guarantee you ’employment certifications’. But those who are willing to know the ideal way to become a body piercer, must ensure that they’re NOT fooled by any such school or online programs, as the only way to learn an art as intricate as body piercing is by practicing it under a professional. If an individual is joining any training school, one must ensure that it is authentic and registered under state regulating bodies.
There are no right or wrong rules to become a body piercer. All you need to do is to do a proper research before entering this profession. Only proper training can only help you to excel in this profession, which will eventually help you deliver quality customer service.
Salary of a body piercer, depends on numerous factors. For instance in industrial pricing, prices vary between $40 to $75 per piercing. Salaries mostly also depend on the popularity of the body piercing center one is working with, and the number of clients visiting the place. I hope you find this information useful, and it helps you in your endeavor. All the best!